Taking it in the appropriate quantity in the morning helps in alleviating piles and prameha (urinary and metabolic disorders) and eliminates tuberculosis. It strengthens the body and enhances sexual vitality. Its effects are particularly beneficial for kidney, urinary, and abdominal swelling issues. When the urine is foul-smelling and cloudy, consuming this preparation proves to be beneficial. It is nourishing and strength-enhancing. It helps overcome weakness caused by seminal disorders and prameha. Similarly, it helps in treating uterine disorders in women, strengthening the uterus.
इसका उचित मात्रा में प्रातः सेवन करने से अर्श प्रमेय है और क्षय रोग का नाश करता है शरीर को पुष्ट करता है तथा काम शक्ति को बढ़ाता है इसका प्रभाव मूत्र पिंड मूत्र पेट की सूजन में होता है जब मूत्र दुर्गंध पूर्ण और गनदला हो तो यह पाक लेना लाभकारी है यह पौष्टिक और बलवर्धक है अति एवं शुक्र जनित या प्रमेह रोगों से उत्पन्न दुर्बलता को दूर करता है इसी तरह स्त्रियों के गर्भाशय के विकार को दूर कर यह गर्भाशय को सशक्त बना देता है
After purchasing this product I get to know why this is best selling product. I am suffering from Najla (snuffle) and doctors highly recommend eating good quality chawyanprash, Amla, and such organic products They said this is the only treatment that can help me out with this situation other than medicines. So as we all know there are a huge no. of varieties available in the market claiming their organic status but the reality is something else. After a lot of research finally, I came to know about this brand and products and I couldn’t be more thankful, It worked for me so well.
Regularly using it and am so happy with the results.
Highly recommended !!!!
Udaychandpur kerakat jaunpur
Sheik Sarai, Phase 2, New Delhi
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